miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Teachers always learn.

When I finished my degree I had never imagined that amazing job that I had to do.
Along my professional life teaching, around 8 years, I have taught to children, teenagers and adults, so that I believe we are learning exactly like them or maybe more than them.
“It is important to recognize that ideally, teachers are also learners and they “negotiate meanings” with their students”[1]
The classroom is the perfect place to interchange life experiences, points of view or reflections; it is the place where we understand the real world, and every this through the language. Although, this experience is very different than I learned at the university in my degree, I could not imagine the amazing job that I will have to do.
In the school we can develop a lot of abilities of students and when we are teaching a foreign language it is important take in account the purpose of the school. I consider, nowadays the school is not only the place where someone goes to study, today as before, the school is an active part of the society, the place where the children make friends, where they understand the rules of the society/school, where they built and express their selves ideas, the school is the place where the children start to fell as an active member of the society. I notice we have a huge responsability in our country, in our culture, with our future, with our children.


3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Deisy,
    Studying a career or getting a diploma, in our case "Educational one" ; it does not mean you are good at teaching, because the only way you can understand what our teachers and theories claim about teaching and learning. It is to be immersed in the context where we, as teachers, are touching a life, interacting to him or her, giving the sense of his or her life and we learn from them how to be better and change our methodologies in order to achieve what we hope from our "little ones".

    As you said "Teachers always learn", i agree with, we never finish learning. There is always something to learn with our kids, colleagues and environments. So, it depends on us to make the effort to change what it does not work for us and give solutions that help other teacher in the way of being good at their jobs and life.

    Thus way, we have to search solutions for all the questions come to our mind and try to get the answers for satisfying our doubts and to show we are different, we are active working for what we love!!!

  2. Hi Viviana,
    Thank you for your comment, I am sure you, as me are working to make a difference in our student´s life, and now we have the opportunity to reconsider a lot of things that we did or understood before, because we are searching a new way to teaching and learning according to our context in order to give our students good knowledge to their future lives.

  3. Hello Deisy!! I agree with your ideas. I liked the idea of "the school is not only the place where someone goes to study" It should be considered a place where people build knowledge about the world. It means that there students would learn how to be part of a society and live in it. This is their house and all the people around them their family. All those things sound fantastic. The real world is different. That is an utopia. Sometimes, we are excited and come to the classroom with wonderful ideas and materials; we are motivated to teach and give the best. But, we crash as soon as we see our students' faces. They demonstrate that they are not motivated to learn English and that english is not useful for them. In other ocassions, the students know a lot. So, they think that they are more than the the teacher and they try to evade what teacher says. We must think of our future. New politics influence or affect our work inside and outside the classroom.
