Language Ecology
The language is natural to the human being, and its
cultural environment so it has a parallel process next to the human develop, it
is a natural way growing at the same time with the human being, according to
this idea Pennycook (2010) mentions “the notion of language ecology derives
from Haugen (1972) and suggests the importance of “ the cultivation and
preservation of languages”, in which the language is part of the cultural
identity and individual has the opportunity to maintenance the natural
Nevertheless, this opportunity is not given to all
member of the society at the same way, because behind the language there are
different social and political condition, for instance, in Colombia we do not
have respect to our ethnic languages, in education we have a clear purpose to
get english as a foreign language according to the national politics in
education, and it is the same case with the spanish in the ethnic culture. At
the school in the indigene groups the students learn spanish as the official
language in Colombia, and their own language and culture has a second place in
the educative process, and they start to turn their mind in idea that the most
important things are in spanish or in the big cities, this idealization of the urban
culture adds to the unnumbered social problems promote the language death.
From my point of view it is not necessary to think in
the english language to identify the power of the language, we just have to
turn our eyes in the street in our city to understand that many people from
ethnic groups are walking along the avenues finding their identity because the
government has not done enough effort to maintenance them safe in their groups.